Daily Prompt: Name that… You!

Today’s (and I am actually on the right day today!!) Daily Prompt asks… “Do you know the meaning of your name, and why your parents chose it? Do you think it suits you?”

My real name for those playing at home, is Ewen. I don’t know why my parents chose it. I suppose they wanted something different. Something easy to spell; both for them (laziness) and for myself (dunce-ness). Both parents have some family ancestry from Wales, and this is the Welsh form of the name… I think. Unlike Ewan McGregor, who bares the Scottish version. I always get that spelling. Gee, do I look like Obi Wan Kenobi to you? (Don’t answer that).

Mum wanted to call me Joel. That became my middle name. Dad won the name game ultimately. But, I like ‘Ewen’. It does suit me. It’s a bit different, simple, and a little mysterious. Mysterious as in, “really… why?!” But, mysterious nonetheless.

The name means ‘youth‘. I don’t know if, or how that applies to me. I think I am still young at heart. I might be clutching at straws there. Maybe my simpleton parents looked at me upon birth and said “Crikey, he’s young. Let’s name him after youth.”

All I know is that people never understand me the first time I introduce myself. They’re just not ready for it. It sounds foreign to them.

Me: “Hi, I’m Ewen.”

Random: “What? John?”

Me: “No, Ewen.”

Random: “Oh, Gwen.”

Me: “Eeewen.”

Random: “Oh, Melton.”

Me: “Yeah, fucking Melton, that’ll do.”

31 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Name that… You!

  1. This made me laugh, Ewen/EJ; your struggle with other people’s bad hearing/stuck brains is something I can only too readily identify with! Bless! Ali

  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Name that… You! | Alastair's Blog

      • Hahaha!
        I remember a time in primary school, when this girl (who was about three years younger than I was) came up to me, tapped me on the shoulder and said: “I’ve heard a lot about you. Is your name Boudica?”
        Oh God….

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  4. Pingback: Breaking a sweat around the room | Escaping a Daydream

  5. I hope I am forgiven? Since morning I am up. A guest with four of her kids came. I fed four of her kids and the four here. I am dead tired on my feet and that is why I made a mistake.

  6. Pingback: The illegal name | Life is great

  7. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Name that… You! | My Atheist Blog

  8. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Name That … You! | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  9. Haha, I feel your pain! I’ve been called many things, but never Melton.
    I love knowing what people’s names mean! Not sure why, but I’ve always thought name-meanings were important.

  10. Pingback: Daily Prompt – Name that . . .you! | Joe's Musings

  11. Pingback: Does my head look big in this…..? | the mmmmm family

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